Elastomeric Bearing Design




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Elastomeric Bearing Design
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Calculation Preview

Turan Babacan (babacan)
15 Mar 2012
File Size: 202.47 Kb
Downloads: 253
File Version: 1.0
File Author: Turan Babacan
File Rating (4/26)

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Comments: 5
mulyono 4 years ago
I found some useful background information to accompany your elastomeric bearing calculations. This might be useful to anyone using your calculation. I found it useful as it provides some guidance on fatigue design of rubber bearings.
farhan_saleh 5 years ago
sir how to calculate the stiffness of pot bearings. if someone have any idea then please help me.
hades3 11 years ago
johndoyle-admin 13 years ago
I found some useful [background information to accompany your elastomeric bearing calculations](http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/lrfd/pscus06.htm). This might be useful to anyone using your calculation. I found it useful as it provides some guidance on fatigue design of rubber bearings.
johndoyle-admin 13 years ago
Thank you once again for another wonderful calculation Turan :-)
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