• Country Turkey
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  • Member Since 14 years ago
  • Last Online 2 weeks ago
  • Last Upload 1 year ago

Turan Babacan


You have uploaded 46 files into the ExcelCalcs Repository. Thank you very much for your contribution.

Uploaded Total Downloads Average Rating Repository Download
Uploaded 2020 Dec. 30 Total Downloads 29 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. ankraj-perde hesab?.xlsx. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2020 Dec. 23 Total Downloads 35 This file is located in the Structural Details folder. reinforcement chair.xlsx. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2020 Sep. 30 Total Downloads 516 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. Concrete Box Culvert analysis and Design. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2015 Jul. 22 Total Downloads 186 This file is located in the Finite Element folder. FEM 2D PLANE STRESS. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2015 May. 28 Total Downloads 260 This file is located in the Structural Details folder. Staircase Analysis and Design. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2015 Apr. 27 Total Downloads 230 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. Socket Pile Analysis And Design. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2015 Mar. 10 Total Downloads 341 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. IksaPro - Retaining Wall with Anchors. File version 1.0 beta.
Uploaded 2014 Nov. 18 Total Downloads 227 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. RC ELEMENTS AD V1.0.xlsx. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2014 Nov. 15 Total Downloads 228 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. RC SHEAR WALL A&D. File version 1.2.
Uploaded 2014 Aug. 15 Total Downloads 958 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. Bored Piles For The Analysis of Layered Soil.xlsx. File version 1.5.
Uploaded 2014 Jun. 16 Total Downloads 684 This file is located in the Dynamics folder. Machine Foundation Analysis and Design. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2014 May. 23 Total Downloads 250 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. METHOD OF JET-GROUTING. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2014 May. 21 Total Downloads 245 This file is located in the Structural Details folder. CORBEL DESIGN. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2014 May. 03 Total Downloads 597 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. BRIDGE DESIGN AND ANALYSIS. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2014 Mar. 12 Total Downloads 741 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. Bored Piles Wall and Ground Anchors. File version 1.6.
Uploaded 2014 Feb. 14 Total Downloads 177 This file is located in the Dynamics folder. Eigenvalue Analysis. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2013 Nov. 15 Total Downloads 169 This file is located in the Pins and Joints folder. Kroll K25000 Tower Crane. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2013 Aug. 26 Total Downloads 394 This file is located in the Buckling folder. Column Buckling. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2013 Jan. 28 Total Downloads 199 This file is located in the Frames folder. Excel Mini Graphics. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2013 Jan. 11 Total Downloads 188 This file is located in the Beams folder. Reinforced Concrete Analysis and Design for Torsion. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2012 Jun. 07 Total Downloads 900 This file is located in the Frames folder. STEEL_CONNECTIONS.xlsx. File version 1.2.
Uploaded 2012 May. 23 Total Downloads 1166 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. RETAINING WALL DESIGN. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2012 May. 09 Total Downloads 199 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. Prestressed_Girder_Design_TR.xlsx. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2012 Mar. 20 Total Downloads 292 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. Bridge Concrete Deck Design. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2012 Mar. 15 Total Downloads 253 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. Elastomeric Bearing Design. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2011 Dec. 16 Total Downloads 564 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. Pile Capacity Calculation. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2011 Oct. 22 Total Downloads 151 This file is located in the Geometry folder. Perspective Drawing with MS Excel. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2011 Oct. 16 Total Downloads 131 This file is located in the Coordinates folder. 3D Drawing with MS Excel. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2011 Sep. 30 Total Downloads 294 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. Account The Shear Size Of Bored Piles. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2011 Sep. 11 Total Downloads 306 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. SURCHARGE LOADS (POINT LOAD). File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2011 Sep. 09 Total Downloads 411 This file is located in the Simulation folder. MOVING LOADS. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2011 Sep. 06 Total Downloads 426 This file is located in the Finite Element folder. ExcelFEM_ 2D (for Excel 2003).. File version 1.3.
Uploaded 2011 Sep. 03 Total Downloads 118 This file is located in the Beams folder. SINGULARITY FUNCTIONS. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2011 Aug. 15 Total Downloads 514 This file is located in the Finite Element folder. ExcelFEM_ 2D (for Excel 2007 & Excel 2010). File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2011 Jul. 28 Total Downloads 610 This file is located in the Finite Element folder. ExcelFEM_3D (for Excel 2007 & Excel 2010). File version 1.2.
Uploaded 2011 Jun. 03 Total Downloads 1028 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. AXIAL AND LATERAL LOAD PILES (FEM). File version 1.4.
Uploaded 2011 Mar. 28 Total Downloads 360 This file is located in the Finite Element folder. ExcelFEM_ 3D (for Excel 2003). File version 1.5.
Uploaded 2011 Mar. 09 Total Downloads 200 This file is located in the Beams folder. reaction forces on full beam. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2010 Oct. 16 Total Downloads 112 This file is located in the Maths folder. Newton-Raphson method. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2010 Sep. 12 Total Downloads 137 This file is located in the Maths folder. Definite Integral. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2010 Jul. 28 Total Downloads 257 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. SURCHARGE_LOADS_TIPS2.xlsx. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2010 Jul. 23 Total Downloads 268 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. Surcharge loads types. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2010 Jun. 21 Total Downloads 139 This file is located in the Beams folder. VERTICAL SINGLE LOAD. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2010 Jun. 20 Total Downloads 149 This file is located in the Beams folder. Moment_LOAD.xlsx. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2010 Jun. 19 Total Downloads 122 This file is located in the Beams folder. TRAPESOIDAL LOADS. File version 1.0.

A total of 45 unique files.

Your uploads account for 4.5% of all site downloads.

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