Concrete Box Culvert analysis and Design



A culvert is a structure that allows water to flow under a road, railroad, trail, or similar obstruction. Typically embedded so as to be surrounded by soil, a culvert may be made from a pipe, reinforced concrete or other material. A structure that carries water above land is known as an aqueduct.

02/11/2013 Added to the report page. version 1.1 

Calculation Reference
Tunnel Design

The analysis and design of a concrete box culvert typically involves the following steps:

  1. Determine the design loads, which include the weight of the culvert itself, the weight of the soil above the culvert, and any additional loads that may act on the culvert.
  2. Determine the dimensions of the culvert, including the span, height, and width.
  3. Determine the soil properties, such as the soil type, unit weight, angle of internal friction, and cohesion.
  4. Determine the required strength of the culvert by applying a factor of safety to the design loads, typically ranging from 1.5 to 2.0.
  5. Determine the required reinforcement for the culvert based on the strength requirements and the culvert dimensions.
  6. Prepare construction specifications and drawings for the culvert.

The analysis and design of a concrete box culvert can be further refined by considering other factors, such as the presence of groundwater, the effect of soil stratification, and the effect of soil consolidation. The analysis can also be performed using computer software or spreadsheet programs, which can provide more accurate and efficient results.

Overall, the analysis and design of a concrete box culvert provides a systematic and reliable approach to design and construct drainage structures that can safely and effectively convey water and other materials.

Calculation Preview

Turan Babacan (babacan)
27 Apr 2023
File Size: 246.01 Kb
Downloads: 516
File Version: 1.1
File Author: Turan Babacan
File Rating (4/89)

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Comments: 10
johndoyle-admin 4 years ago
I have just updated this file with a more common font. some users had complained that they could not read the previous Technic font selected by the file author. It's updated using Calibri.
abbeycity 5 years ago
Awesome platform and very informative and educative.
abbeycity 5 years ago
Awesome platform and very informative and educative.
ihabsorour 5 years ago
Dears,I have one question, is the relation between the vehicular load distribution and the depth of fill is considered on this Excel sheet?
johndoyle-admin 7 years ago
Turan I have just downloaded the calculation and everything looks like it is in a strange font like 'wingdings'. Do I need to install a special font?
johndoyle-admin 10 years ago
Regarding units we do [recommend a way of working to make this easy and offer some workarounds to assist conversion between units in our FAQ section](/support/faqs/trouble-with-units/).
johndoyle-admin 11 years ago
It is not the windings font but the Technic font. This font was already installed on my machine and I had no problems whatsoever but perhaps you should download the font, install it and reopen the calculation. Any of Turan's work is well worth persevering with.
rdivito 11 years ago
Downloaded file text is in Wingdings font type and is unreadable.
babacan 11 years ago
Added to the report page.
johndoyle-admin 11 years ago
Is there no end to your talent Turan? Another spreadsheet that blows my socks off!
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