Bored Piles For The Analysis of Layered Soil.xlsx



Pile Details

  • Dimensions
  • Concrete
  • Steel

  • Exta loads
  • Soil loads

Soil Details
  • Layer 1
  • Layer 2
  • Layer 3
  • Layer 4

Forces Diagrams
  • Moment
  • Shear
  • Soil pressure
  • Axial

Deflections Diagrams
  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • Slope

Pile Lateral Capacity
  • Ultimate horizontal load capacity
  • Ultimate Moment capacity
  • Maximum pile head displacement

Pile Axial Capacity
  • Bearing Capacity Factors
  • Base Resistance
  • Shaft Resistance

Checks and Design
  • Shear Capacity
  • Mechanical reinforcement ratio
  • (m-n) interaction diagram

Solved using finite element methods

Related calculation for single layer.

Calculation Reference
Design of Concrete Piles

Reinforced Concrete Design

Civil Engineering Handbook

The analysis of bored piles for layered soil involves the following steps:

  1. Determine the soil properties of each layer, such as the soil type, unit weight, angle of internal friction, and cohesion.
  2. Determine the diameter and length of the pile.
  3. Determine the ultimate bearing capacity of the pile using one of the following methods: a. The static load test, which involves applying a static load to the pile and measuring the deflection and load. b. The dynamic load test, which involves measuring the acceleration of the pile and calculating the ultimate capacity using an empirical formula. c. Analytical methods based on the soil properties and the pile geometry, such as the Schmertmann method or the Broms method.
  4. Determine the skin friction and end bearing capacity of the pile for each soil layer based on the ultimate capacity and the soil properties.
  5. Calculate the total capacity of the pile by summing the skin friction and end bearing capacities of each soil layer.
  6. Calculate the allowable bearing capacity of the pile by applying a factor of safety to the total capacity, typically ranging from 2.0 to 3.0.
  7. Determine the required size and length of the pile based on the allowable bearing capacity and the design loads.

The analysis of bored piles for layered soil can be further refined by considering other factors, such as the presence of groundwater, the effect of soil stratification, and the effect of soil consolidation. The analysis can also be performed using computer software or spreadsheet programs, which can provide more accurate and efficient results.

Overall, the analysis of bored piles for layered soil provides a systematic and reliable approach to design and construct foundations that can support the required loads and ensure the stability and safety of the structures.

Calculation Preview

Turan Babacan (babacan)
27 Apr 2023
File Size: 420.29 Kb
Downloads: 956
File Version: 1.5
File Author: Turan Babacan
File Rating (4/61)

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Comments: 13
khaldoun 3 years ago
Dear Author,would you please clarify what the (n & Cm) means in your excel sheet
geotekdemir 3 years ago
Thanks for sharing.
awdwas 4 years ago
me too
ahmedelmaghaoury 4 years ago
i wa this sheet
bm212 10 years ago
BabacanVery good SpreadsheetIt would be nice though if the spreadsheet could switch between Metric and English units
babacan 10 years ago
Pile Analysis&Design 1.5- Pile head beams accounts and details - report - Some improvements added ...
hades3 11 years ago
Excellent work!
babacan 13 years ago
VERSION 1.4 Kh control, visual corrections
babacan 13 years ago
Turan sent through an update to his calculation.
babacan 14 years ago
rdivito Thank you. problem is corrected.ver 1.2
rdivito 14 years ago
Program yields zero response when all extra cap loads are removed but lateral earth and surcharge pressure remains.
babacan 14 years ago
visual menu has changed some of the actions
johndoyle-admin 14 years ago
Another Turkish delight from Turan! This calculation extends the functionality of a previous calculation to allow for 4 separate soil layers. Be aware that this file only works in Excel 2010 due to limitations of matrix functions in Excel 2003.
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