Check that you have the 'Clone Equation' button on the XLC Toolbar. If not you'll have to download and reinstall XLC if you would like to benefit this new functionallity. It was suggested in the XLC Forum by ExcelCalcs user JoeMiner. If you like his idea why not login and give him some Karma?  Karma+ Karma-

Algebraic/Numeric Equation Cloning 

The clone equation button is used to copy an 'algebraic' equation above the currently selected cell to produce a 'numeric' equation. In the screenshot [Eqn.2] was cloned from [Eqn. 1] by selecting cell F5 and then clicking the 'Clone Equation' button on the XLC Toolbar. More...

Encouraging Your Repository Comments 

If you have downloaded a calculation from the Repository we hope that you will rate or review the calculation. We have tried to make it easy to find the calculation in the repository by adding an ExcelCalcs Repository Search Button. When the current cell is empty the ExcelCalcs Repository Search button opens the site and searches for the Excel file name. More...

Repository News

Two new fatigue calculations have been uploaded this week. It is very interesting to compare the two methods of calculating fatigue damage. Don't forget to rate the calculations and ask any questions using the Forum link on the Repository download page. 

  Author JohnDoyle FileEC3 Fatigue Damage in Steel Welds.xls
   Author JohnDoyle FileBS7608 Fatigue Damage in Steel Welds.xls


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