At the time of writing the last person to register at the site was the 20,069th! Most users are enjoying the free trial version of XLC but an increasing number choose to pay for a subscription for unrestricted access to our software and calculations. Better still more corporations are purchasing multiple subscriptions and training packages on behalf of their employees. I sincerely believe we have a lot to offer anyone who wants a helping hand to make engineering calculations or those who would simply like to master the green beast in the Microsoft Office suite.

New Video Playlists Available


You will find it easier than ever to browse featured calculations using our new video list player. Check out Turan Babacan's latest calculation for pile design. Watch to see how Turan manages to teach a simple mechanical engineer (me) how to almost do civil engineering and dirty his hands with concrete!


Our help tutorials can be now played through in sequence without the need to navigate from page to page.


Similarly you can play through a sequence of Excel tips for engineers too.

Repository News

As you may have seen on the featured calculation player  BABACAN has been updating his pile design spreadsheet incorporating finite element techniques in Excel. As usual Turan's clever layout and Excel tricks make it very easy to understand and use. Karl has updated his footing settlement calculation and I have been hard at it tweaking calculations to use in my "Fatigue of Welded Structures" course which I'll be presenting in Texas next week. I have also updated XLC to modify the functionality of the "show equation" button so that it will skip any formulas in hidden rows. This is very handy if you are working with the ExcelCalcs calculation template so you can hide the column with formulas to select units and use the "show equation" button to display the important calculations in the preceding column. Keep the calculations coming everyone!

Uploaded Repository Folder, Calculation link, Author Details and Calculation Version History
2011 Jun. 09 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. UpdateImmediate Pad Footing Settlement by Karl. File version 1.1 view full version history.
2011 Jun. 08 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. UpdateAXIAL AND LATERAL LOAD PILES (FEM) by BABACAN. File version 1.4 view full version history.
2011 Jun. 03 This file is located in the Welds folder. UpdatePlate Stress to Fillet Weld Stress by JohnDoyle. File version 1.1 view full version history.
2011 Jun. 03 This file is located in the Welds folder. UpdatePlate Stress to Partial Penetration Fillet Weld Stress by JohnDoyle. File version 1.1 view full version history.
2011 Jun. 03 This file is located in the Add-Ins folder. UpdateXLC addin for MS Excel by JohnDoyle. File version 11.08 view full version history.
2011 Jun. 03 This file is located in the Add-Ins folder. UpdateExcelCalcs Calculation Template by JohnDoyle. File version 1.4 view full version history.
2011 Jun. 03 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. UpdateBored Piles For The Analysis of Layered Soil.xlsx by BABACAN. File version 1.2 view full version history.
2011 May. 31 This file is located in the Areas folder. UpdateLineSec.xls by JohnDoyle. File version 1.1 view full version history.
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