Improvements in the Latest Version of XLC:
Enhanced Equation Rendering - improved functionality for exponential terms and fully functional equation colouring features. Download a short
movie to see improvement (exponent.wmv 0.99Mb 1:32 playing time).
XLC Animator Tool - Now XLC can animate your charts and graphs. Download a short movie to see new functionality (animator.wmv 1.71Mb 1:51 playing time).
You can download it here.
Repository News
Kbill has updated his truss calculations but is hoping for some help and feedback to make them even better.
I have been invited to give a talk at Glasgow University and I'll be using it as an opportunity to encourage calculations from physicists. If you would like to attend please email me for details. An outline of the talk is as follows (I'll probably work out the detail when I get to stand up).
"Engineering Calculations and the Great Physics Rip-off "- The good work of Newton, Hooke, Boltzmann, Bernoulli, Eigen, Euler, Hertz, Maxwell, Prandtl, Raleigh and countless other physicists is being plundered every day by engineers. I'd like to share with you how engineers apply physics theory and calculations to solve their problems. I'll draw on case studies and failure investigations from my work as a mechanical engineer in the railway industry, the oil & gas industry and the theme park leisure industry (we might even see a few Disney characters and rollercoaster rides). Our calculations help us make sense of what has happened they tell us what we should be worried about and help us to devise the best solutions.
I would like to discuss how my passion for calculations is focussed at where we hope to "build the web's largest repository of solved problems using the world's most popular mathematical software tool (Excel) and make it available to the world for free". I'll even give you some free software so that you can display Excel cell formulae as mathematical equations.
I do hope that the talk will bring a sense of relevance to your studies and helps you appreciate how your skills are valued by engineers (though not all that silly stuff about quarks which is of course completely and utterly pointless).