XLC Version 01.08 is Released 

Those of you keeping an eye on the site forum will have noticed a report of equation rendering problems in Excel 2007 which do not occur in Excel 2003. I am pleased to report that the bug has been fixed and XLC version 01.08 is now available to download.

Taki's Excel Finite Element Programs 



ExcelCalcs often features the work of 'Spreadsheet Kings' like Alex Tomanovich and Yakov Polykov. Joining them is Aeronautical Engineer Taki Toshimi who has developed finite element solvers using MS Excel. These are both useful and educational. His examples are template solutions that can be modified to solve your own problems. I would like to collect and distribute as many examples as possible through the ExcelCalcs Website. Please help us compile these calculations by uploading an example of your own. I recently wrote to Taki about his work (see below).

Taki www.asahi-net.or.jp is an excellent site for engineers. I love your Finite Element spreadsheets and think that many more examples of their use would be useful. I run a site called www.ExcelCalcs.com and I would like to feature your FE spreadsheets and invite users to modify and upload Excel Files to show how they can be applied to other problems.

I have just a few questions:

1) bolted_joint_070506.xls and truss_070505.xls seem to be variants of the same spreadsheet. Is there a reason why there is no beam element in this sheet but there is in elastica.xls?

2) Is there anyway to draw the element grid?

3) elastica.xls has a beam element but no other elements?

I would like to introduce you to our community by doing a feature about you and your good work. Could you send some information about yourself?

Best Regards
John Doyle


Dear Mr. Doyle,

Thank you very much for your mail.
I am very glad to know you have recognized my work.

I would like to answer to your questions.

1) No beam elements in the spread sheets for 2-dimensional elastic analysis The reason is that beam elements have 6 degree-of-freedom and the other elements in the spread sheet have 3 degree-of-freedom. Extensive modification is necessary to include the beam elements in the spread sheet, but it is possible.

2) Figure of elements
Yes, it is possible to draw figure of elements, but a special macro is necessary.

3) Elastica
The spread sheet for elastica analysis is a very special one. My intension of the introdcution of the spread sheet is to show the capability of MS-Excel Solver for solving such a difficult problem.
I think that geometrially non-linear analysis is not so useful for everyday engineering work.

The method I show in my website has a possiblity to solve many different kinds of engineering problems. I already developed worksheets for plate buckling and beam buckling analysis.
I think if an engineer understands the concept of the method, it very easy to make his original spreadsheet for his special problem.

My profile:

I graduated Aeronautical Engineering Department of Tokyo University in Japan.
I have been a structure engineer of aircraft for neary 30 years. I worked for developments of T-4 intermediate jet trainer for Japan Defence Force, BA-609 Tiltrotor, Embraer 170/190 regional jet and Boeing 787 Dreamliner. My specialty is structural testing and composite materials.

I am an amateur astronomer for more than 40 years. I like to watch the Moon, deepsky objects, comets and double stars. I enjoy drawing sketches of astronomical objects. I made several telescopes. Designing and building telescopes are fun.

My contribution to amateur astronomical community is as follows.

Telescope Mirror Cell Design
I develeoped a finite element analysis program for analyzing telescope mirror deformation and published design charts for mirror cell. David Lewis, Professor of Tront University, used my FEM program to develop mirror cell design optimization program, "Plop".

Telescope Pointing Algorithm
I developed a telescope point algorithm for automatic telescope control, which is widely used.

Free Star Atlases
I produced 3 star atlases and share them free in my website. They are very popular worldwide.


Toshimi Taki



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