Just imagine if you could design your own App linked to a cloud data engine and working on any PC, tablet or smartphone……well now you can!

  • You design your App in Excel.
  • We make it device independent.
  • We supercharge with our cloud data engine.
  • You control access to your Wraps and any data generated.

We don't call them Apps but Wraps because they are just simple Excel workbooks wrapped in our transformation technology. Goto the ExcelWraps.com website.

First Wrap saves $643,000 per year As engineering consultants we were asked to provide calculations to optimise rail vehicle suspension by balancing wheel loads - these calculations are served in a Wrap which also stores the fleet records in the cloud. The Wrap delivered a staggering 600% productivity benefit over the traditional trial and error method. This success secured the support of a world-class client, Hitachi. Hitachi Early Adopter Keen to exploit this technology further Hitachi were the first organisation to sign up for an ExcelWraps subdomain. What they like best is that they control the Wrap design by supplying their own spreadsheets putting their engineers in the driving seat. Signatures on conventional paper forms are replaced by our server authenticated signoff controls. Subcontractors and clients are given restricted accounts to their subdomain so everyone involved has immediate access to data - even from their smartphones.

 Full Service Launch in July 2013
We are ready to show off our technology. Reserve your place at one of our launch events:

  • Wednesday 26th July 2013 - 09.00 to 12:00 noon – Harrogate, UK
  • Wednesday 7th August 2013 - 09.00 to 12:00 noon – New York, USA
  • Monday 12th August 2013 - 09.00 to 12:00 noon – Chicago, USA
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