We reward you when you introduce a friend to ExcelCalcsIntroduce a friend to ExcelCalcs and we’ll extend their subscription by 33% and you’ll be awarded the same benefit (just to say thanks).

Here is an illustration of how the scheme works. Joe is subscribed as a free XLC Ed(1M) member. He introduces Bill to ExcelCalcs who buys an XLC Pro(12M) subscription. Bill simply emails us to say that This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. introduced him to the site. When we find Joe's email address in the site database we will not only extend Bill's subscription by 3 months but we will also upgrade Joe to XLC Pro for 3 months too! Similarly referrals resulting in the purchase of an XLC Pro(3M) subscription gives a 1 month extension to the buyer and referrer. It’s that simple, no forms to fill in, no exemptions and no small print. We are worried that it's far too generous so we are trialling the scheme until 24th February 2010. Its a benefit any of our members can receive so start looking through your email address book and introduce your friends to ExcelCalcs quickly.

To help us grow we are constantly working hard on new software and website features to enhance our user experience.

XLC version 10.01New
We always recommend using the latest version of XLC. The latest version brings the following benefits:

  • Excel 2010 ready (due to be launched in a few months).
  • Improved Equation rendering.
  • Improved automatic equation redraw functionality – XLC will automatically update equations but if you then stop working with equations and start copying large blocks of data it can really slow you down. Now if XLC takes longer than a few seconds it switches off the automatic redraw feature so XLC will never slow you down again.

My DownloadsNew
Have you ever forgotten what you have downloaded and are struggling to find it again? The New ‘My Downloads’ item on the site user menu lists all your downloads starting with your most recent first. It lists all your ratings too so its easy to rate all those downloads you have forgotten. Your feedback guides fellow users to good content. Use the repository link to add a comment or raise a question in the forum link.

My UploadsNew
Calculation authors can also monitor their uploads from one page. It shows the total downloads and average rating.

Site Adverts Blocked for XLC Pro SubscribersNew
XLC Pro subscribers now enjoy a less cluttered website.

Featured AuthorsNew
Some authors deserve a special place on the site in recognition of all their good work. Well now they have it - take a look at the site main menu.

Profile CheckerNew
 When you next login to the site you might be asked to check your profile and add an avatar. We want to keep your details up to date so we can better serve you and the use of avatars makes ExcelCalcs a more personable place to visit.

Repository News

 There have been some fantastic uploads since the last edition of the site newsletter. Many thanks to all contributors Shaiq Khan, Mike Jones, Rahul Menon, Alex Tomanovich, Jason Mansfield and David York.

  FileAnalysis & Design of Weld Groups
Updated by Shaiq Khan - Excel Template for the Analysis & Design of Weld Groups Subjected to Simulta...
  FileCoped W-Beam seat
New From Mike Jones - Procedure shown in the Vulcraft Design guide for a shallow coped w-beam seat wit...
  FileBending of plates
New from Rahul Menon - Plate bending solutions for most of the boundary conditions co...
  FilePlane Buckling of Plates
  FileXLC addin for MS Excel
New from John Doyle - XLC software enhances MS Excel so that cell formulae can be displayed as mat...
  FileTorsion of thin walled tubes
New from Rahul Menon - This calculation considers the torsion of thin-walled closed s...
  FileBeam Column Analysis
New from Rahul Menon - This file covers the entire NASA Structural ma...
Updated by Alex Tomanovich - "IBC2006E" --- IBC 2006 SEISMIC ANALYSIS PROGRAM Program De...
New from Alex Tomanovich - "STEPCOL" --- STEPPED COLUMN ANALYSIS Here's a new spreadsheet wor...
  FileHold-up Capacitance
New from Jason B Mansfield Sr. - Suggests a capacitance value for power-supply interruption based on several in...
  FileBuckling in Slender Columns
New from David York - This sheet calculates the maximum axially concentric load that can be applied to...
New from David York - This workbook contains 3 sheets 1 for finding the maximu...


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