ExcelCalcs on Faster Server The ExcelCalcs site had become a victim of its own success it has become so busy with new arrivals that we began to overload our server. Our host providers have now upgraded us onto a much faster machine with a broader bandwidth. You should notice an improvement in site response time and download speeds. This means we can deliver calculations to your desktop much faster than ever before.

ExcelCalcs Welcomes the First XLC Pro Subscribers.

With the additional cost of the new server we are very pleased to welcome our first paying users. They have been gracious enough to give feedback so that I can make the process of upgrading to XLC Pro as easy as possible. 

XLC Pro or XLC ED?

XLC Version 03_08 expires on 30th September so most of you will need to upgrade XLC. When you return to the site you will notice that we have introduced site subscription plans. You'll have to decide if you need an XLC Pro subscription or an XLC Ed subscription. Please remember that you can earn a free XLC subscription by uploading a calculation.

Repository News

New! FileAISC-ASD89 calculation for Beam-Column member
New! FileCone-to Cylinder Analysis
New! FileEquilibrium of three forces in a plane.xls
New! FileXLC addin for MS Excel
New! FileWood Perforated Shear Wall Design
New! FileEllipse-general
New! FileAppsPro's XY Chart Labeler

Message from Top ExcelCalcs Autor tn2056_469538466bb42.jpg Alex Tomanovich.

Well, after dragging my feet on this one for quite a while, finally here it is....."ASCE705W.xls" (version 1.0), a new spreadsheet workbook for wind loading analysis per the ASCE 7-05 Code. This workbook is obviously similar in form and function to the previous workbook based on the ASCE7-02 Code, since I used that one as a template/go-by to create this new one. However, I have added a couple of new things to this workbook, which hopefully will increase its usefulness.

New! FileASCE705W Wind Loading
Updated! FileASCE702W.xls
Updated! FileXBRACING.xls

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