Boardcode are special tags that will allow you to format your forum messages. Currently the forum supports links, bold, italic, bold, "quoted" text, img, size, list and colored text.

The tags are used as follows:

[b]Bold[/b] Bold
[i]Italic[/i] Italic
[u]Underline[/u] Underline
[size=4]Size[/size] Size
[color=#FF0000]Red[/color] Red
[img=150]link to image[/img] will produce a image with a width off 150 pixels.
Please remember you can go to a maximum width of 499 pixels.
[li]item 1[/li]
[li]item 2[/li]
[li]item 3[/li]
  • item 1
  • item 2
  • item 3
[li]item 1[/li]
[li]item 2[/li]
[li]item 3[/li]
  1. item 1
  2. item 2
  3. item 3
[url=]Yahoo![/url] Yahoo!
//Some code here
while ($adversary=='Neo'){ fork(agent_Smith);} ?>

Please use the code in your forum messages.

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