• Country United States of America
  • Member Since 15 years ago
  • Last Online 8 months ago
  • Last Upload 1 year ago

Chris Caruso

I received my Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 2009 while studying Structural Engineering. Since then, I have worked as a tunnel designer out of the Boston, MA area. Some of my professional experiences includes the design of permanent and temporary liners for tunnels and shafts, and the design of other underground structures for highway and water/wastewater jobs. I have worked on tunnels all over the US, including Austin TX, Miami FL, Washington DC, and Providence RI.

I am passionate about sharing high tech analysis and design tools with other structural engineers and learning new tips and tricks. In my spare time, I enjoy the outdoors (hiking and biking), fitness, travel, cars, games, and many other things.

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Uploaded 2014 May. 01 Total Downloads 402 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. ACI-318 / ACI-350 Beam Column Design. File version 2.1.
Uploaded 2013 Oct. 15 Total Downloads 147 This file is located in the Geotechnics folder. Tunnel Design - Initial Support with Steel Liner Plate. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2013 Aug. 23 Total Downloads 256 This file is located in the Wind & Snow folder. ACI 350 BEAM. File version 1.1.

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