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  • Member Since 14 years ago
  • Last Online 2 years ago
  • Last Upload 1 year ago


You have uploaded 5 files into the ExcelCalcs Repository. Thank you very much for your contribution.

Uploaded Total Downloads Average Rating Repository Download
Uploaded 2016 Aug. 15 Total Downloads 46 This file is located in the Piping folder. Seismic Wave Propagation in Ductile Iron Pipe. File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2014 Apr. 29 Total Downloads 246 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. PRESTRESSED/POST-TENSIONED CONCRETE SECTION (ACI 318-08). File version 1.0.
Uploaded 2012 Oct. 18 Total Downloads 989 This file is located in the Wind & Snow folder. Open Channel Flow Calculations. File version 1.1.
Uploaded 2011 Dec. 07 Total Downloads 197 This file is located in the Plates folder. Cantilever Grating. File version 1.01.
Uploaded 2011 Nov. 22 Total Downloads 284 This file is located in the Civil Engineering folder. Concrete Special Structural Wall ACI 318-08.xls. File version 1.0.

A total of 5 unique files.

Your uploads account for 0.5% of all site downloads.

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