Who Gets Paid? - All payments are made to MoreVision Limited. It is a registered company in England (No. 2518331). Payment to ExcelCalcs are exempt from UK VAT as it is an association, the primary purpose of which is the advancement of a particular branch of knowledge, or the fostering of professional expertise, connected with the past or present professions or employments of its members. Generally we use Paypal but for larger amounts over $300 we will take automatic bank transfers to the following account.
Manual Bank Wire Transfer Subscription Process (2 to 5 days for access)
1) Sign up for a free trial account. then email site administrator using your registered email address.
2) You'll be instructed to send purchase order for $99USD each XLC Pro (12M) subscription or $45USD for each XLC Ed (12M) subscription
3) We will send out an invoice. On payment of the invoice your free trial account will be upgraded.