Heat Transfer Equations



The most useful resource I had earning my PE was a book of equations that was a companion to HP48 equation library. I didn't use the built in libray much, but the book of equations was an invaluable resource, and I still occasionaly use it as a resource. It is borken down into various engineering subcategories. I intend to have each of the catgories done wih XLC, but this file includes:

Heat Transfer 45 equations in these categories:  Coefficent of Heat Transfer, Film Coefficent, Heat Exchanger, Heat Flow Through Various Shapes, Radiant Heat Flow

 All formulas pull from a common set of variables 


A ft Area
c Btu/lbm Specific Heat
D ft Outside Diameter
D ft Inside Diameter
F None Shape Factor
F None Correction Factor
F None Emmissivity Factor
h Btu/hr Film Coefficent
h Btu/lbm Enthalpy
h Btu/hr Outside Film Coefficent
h Btu/lbm Enthalpy
h Btu/lbm Enthalpy
h Btu/lbm Enthalpy of Vaporization
h Btu/hr Inside Film Coefficent
h Btu/hr Outside Film Coefficent
K Btu/hr Thermal Conductivity
K Btu/hr Thermal Conductivity
K Btu/hr Thermal Conductivity
K Btu/hr Thermal Conductivity
L ft Thickness
L ft Thickness
L ft Thickness
L ft Thickness
LMTD= ºF Log Mean Temp. Difference
m lbm Mass
n None Coefficent (turbulent heat flow through pipe)
N None Prandtl Number
N None Reynolds Number
q Btu/hr Heat Flow
r None Transient Heat flow time constant
r ft Outer Radius
r ft Inner Radius
r ft Insulated Pipe's Total Radius
t ºF Cold Fluid Outlet Temperature
T ºF Temperature
T ºF Temperature
ΔT ºF Temperature
ΔT ºF Temperature
Δt= ºF Temperature
t ºF Cold Fluid Inlet Temperature
T ºF Thermalcouple Probe Temperature
t ºF Surface Temperature
t ºF Saturated Vapor Temperature
T ºF Wall Temperature
U Btu/hr Overall Heat Transfer Coefficent
U Btu/hr Pipe's outside Heat Tranfer Coefficent
μ lbf Absolute Viscosity
ρ lbm/ft Body's Density
ρ lbm/ft Liquid Density
ρ lbm/ft Vapor Density
T ºF Temperature
T ºF Temperature

Calculation Reference

Heat Transfer

Heat Exchanger

Heat Engines

Calculation Preview

Scott Peach (peachsb)
11 Apr 2012
File Size: 432.60 Kb
Downloads: 120
File Version: 1.0
File Author: Scott Peach
File Rating (5/1)

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Comments: 3
johndoyle-admin 13 years ago
I wonder if it would be worth uploading a version of the calculation with some typical values inserted if only to prevent #DIV/0! errors?
johndoyle-admin 13 years ago
Scott this is a really useful Swiss army knife of a spreadsheet. Could you just take a look to the formula on worksheet 'Heat Transfer' cell AB60 and L116 - XLC seems to be indicating an error. If you need to update your spreadsheet take a look to the instructions [here](/support/faqs/updating-your-calculations/).
johndoyle-admin 13 years ago
Thanks for your contribution Scott I have awarded a six month XLC Pro subscription by way of thanks.
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