More Retaining Wall Calculations



Let's break down the key components:

  1. Input Parameters:
  • Soil Properties:
    • Friction angle (φ) = 30 degrees
    • Cohesion (c) = 0
    • Soil unit weight (γb) = 18 kN/m³
    • Concrete unit weight (γc) = 25 kN/m³
  1. Wall Dimensions:
  • Wall height (H) = 6m
  • Wall thickness (w) = 1m
  • Footing width (B) = 7m
  • Footing thickness (v) = 1m
  • Toe width (t) = 2m
  • Heel width (h) = 4m
  1. Key Calculations: a) Forces Considered:
  • Variable loads (surcharge)
  • Self-weight of wall components
  • Active earth pressure
  • Soil weight over heel

b) Stability Checks:

  1. Sliding Check:
- Horizontal forces (HEd,dst) vs Frictional Resistance (HRd)
- Degree of utilization = HEd,dst/HRd (should be <100%)
- Results: 53% for A1 and 62% for A2 loading combinations
  1. Overturning Check:
- Overturning moments vs Restoring moments
- Degree of utilization = MEd,dst/MRd,fav
- Results: 19% for A1 and 18% for A2
  1. Bearing Capacity Check:
  • Uses Meyerhof's method
  • Considers shape factors, depth factors, and inclination factors
  • Results: 20% utilization for A1 and 52% for A2

Pile design calculation for the retaining wall foundation:

  1. Pile Configuration:
  • Diameter = 0.3m
  • Reinforcement = 6 × Y12 bars (0.96% of concrete area)
  • Edge clearance = 0.1m
  • Lever arm (La) = 3.25m
  • Spacing: 1.2m along toe, 1.45m along heel
  1. Load Distribution:
Design Loads (from wall analysis):
- Vertical (VEd): A1 = 1097.0 kN/m, A2 = 822.0 kN/m
- Horizontal (HEd): A1 = 233.5 kN/m, A2 = 217.7 kN/m
- Moment (MEd): A1 = -161.8 kN-m/m, A2 = -11.7 kN-m/m
  1. Individual Pile Loads:
Front Pile (Toe):
- A1: 628.3 kN/pile
- A2: 491.0 kN/pile Rear Pile (Heel):
- A1: 831.4 kN/pile
- A2: 598.6 kN/pile
  1. Ultimate Bending Moment Resistance:
  • Uses CP110 design interaction charts
  • Calculated using normalized parameters (N/h²)
  • Front Pile Mr,T: A1 = 41 kN-m/pile, A2 = 38 kN-m/pile
  • Rear Pile Mr,H: A1 = 41 kN-m/pile, A2 = 36 kN-m/pile
  1. Horizontal Resistance:
  • Uses Broms' method for lateral pile capacity
  • Considers soil parameters:
    • Sand density = 18 kN/m³
    • No cohesion
    • Friction angle: A1 = 30°, A2 = 24.8°
    • Passive coefficient (Kp): A1 = 3.00, A2 = 2.44
  1. Design Check
Unit Horizontal Resistance (HRd):
- A1: 89 kN/m
- A2: 81 kN/m Utilization (ΛSTR,1 = HEd/HRd):
- A1: 263%
- A2: 270%

The high utilization ratios (>100%) suggest that the pile design may need revision - either by increasing pile diameter, spacing, or reinforcement, as the horizontal loads exceed the calculated resistance.

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mpho (nephembani)
07 Jun 2013
Downloads: 358
File Version: 1.0
File Author: mpho
File Rating (0/0)

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Comments: 4
ssingh 11 years ago
Thank You
Sujan Singh
ssingh 11 years ago
Dear Nephembani
I need to use your spreadsheet in English units
Please provide procedure on how to do this if possible
bm212 11 years ago
Dear Nephembani
I need to use your spreadsheet in English units
Please provide procedure on how to do this if possible
johndoyle-admin 12 years ago
I have awarded a 3 month extension to your XLC Pro subscription by way of thanks.
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