Geometrical Properties
Span = le =
Riser "R" =
Tread "T" =
End cond'n:Simple(1),cont(2)
Long term defln coeff " k "
Moment coeff
Width of Stair or landing "b"
Tentative thickness of steps l/28
Thickness of riser or Tread "t"
Eff. Depth "d"
Material Properties
Weight of reinforced concrete "γrc"
Strength of concrete "fc"
Strength of steel "fy"
Clear cover to concrete
Flexure strength reduction factor
Shear strength reduction factor
Modulus of Elasticity of steel "Es"
Modulus of Elasticity of concrete "Ec"
Modular Ratio "n = Es/Ec"
Self Weight of steps
Floor Finish
Total dead Load "Udl"
Live load
Total service Load "tsl"
Total Ultimate Load "wu"
Calculation Reference
Concrete Design
Stair Design
Building Design
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