"PILEGRP" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of pile groups with rigid caps using the "elastic method". Specifically, the properties of the pile group are calculated, and then based upon the applied vertical and horizontal loadings, the vertical and horizontal pile reactions are calculated. There is also a worksheet to check beam and punching shear in the pile cap for a single corner pile, for the purpose of estimating the required pile cap thickness and subsequent pile cap weight.
This workbook has some concrete design in them, based on the ACI 318-99 Code in their original form. To reflect the use of the ACI 318-05, I decided to give the user the option of selecting what ACI Code is desired to be used, 318-99, 318-02, or 318-05, in those specific worksheets. Once the user selects the desired ACI Code, the appropriate "phi" factors are displayed and used. One word of caution, be careful not to mix & match "phi" factors and load factors from the various concrete codes. It's obviously up to the user to be consistent. For the purpose of just what specific concrete analysis and design is done in this workbook, the selection of either ACI 318-02 or 318-05 gives the same results.
This program is a workbook consisting of ten (10) worksheets, described as follows:
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This workbook is now version 3.6.
The Horizontal Pile Reaction, 'Rh', at each pile is calculated as follows: Rh = (((Sum Hx)/Np + (Sum Mz)*Yp/J)^2 + ((Sum Hy)/Np + (Sum Mz)*Xp/J)^2)^(1/2)
where: Xp = x-distance of pile from centroidal Y-axis Yp = y-distance of pile from centroidal X-axis
There seems to be a units error here.
(Sum Hx)/Np would be force/(number of piles) = force assuming units of kips and inches would result in kips as the unit which is correct.
Sum Mz)*Yp/J would result in in-k * in / in^4, which results in kips/in^2 or ksi
Am I missing something here? Kips and kips/in^2 are inconsistent.