Foundation Design Sheet_ACI318M

Grade of concrete (cylinder strength), fc
Yield strength of reinforcement, fy
Bot reinf dia in direction of L& spacing
Bot reinf dia in direction of B& spacing
Top reinf in both direction dia & spacing
Clear cover to reinforcement, cc
Unit weight of concrete, gc
Unit weight of soil, gs
Unit weight of water, gw
Gross allowable bearing pressure
Internal angle of friction of soil, θ
Coeff of friction bet concrete and soil, m
Load factor for self weight and over burden soil, l_f
Depth of water table from ground, gwt
Factor of safety against Uplift
Factor of safety against Sliding
Factor of safety against overturning
Width of footing, B
Length of footing, L
width of pedestal, PB
Length of pedestal, PL
Thickness of footing, D
Embedment depth, H
Projection of pedestal above ground, ha
Height of pedestal, ho
Calculation Reference
Foundation Design
Structural Engineering
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