Pressure Sand Filter & Activated Carbon Filter Vessel & Media Calculation for Water & Wastewater Treatment Plant

1. Working Principles
Pressure Sand Filter
- Uses a bed of graded sand/gravel media in a pressurized vessel
- Water flows downward through media layers under pressure
- Removes suspended solids, turbidity, and particulate matter
- Typical media arrangement (top to bottom):
- Fine sand (0.5-1.0 mm)
- Coarse sand (1-2 mm)
- Fine gravel (2-4 mm)
- Coarse gravel (4-8 mm)
Activated Carbon Filter
- Uses activated carbon media in a pressurized vessel
- Removes organic compounds, chlorine, odor, and taste
- Works through adsorption process
- Types of carbon:
- Granular Activated Carbon (GAC)
- Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC)
2. Key Design Parameters & Calculations
A. Vessel Size Calculations
- Filter Area (A) calculation:
A = Q / DFV
A = Filter area (m²)
Q = Flow rate (m³/hr)
DFV = Design Filtration Velocity (m/hr)
- Vessel Diameter (D) calculation:
D = √(4A/π)
D = Diameter (m)
A = Filter area (m²)
- Media Bed Height:
- PSF: Typically 0.9-1.2m
- ACF: Typically 1.0-1.5m
B. Backwash System Design
- Backwash Flow Rate:
Qbw = A × Vbw
Qbw = Backwash flow rate (m³/hr)
A = Filter area (m²)
Vbw = Backwash velocity (m/hr)
- Air Scour Rate:
Qair = A × Vair
Qair = Air flow rate (m³/hr)
A = Filter area (m²)
Vair = Air velocity (m/hr)
C. Operating Parameters
- Service Flow Rate:
SFR = Q / A
SFR = Service Flow Rate (m³/m²/hr)
Q = Flow rate (m³/hr)
A = Filter area (m²)
- Daily Treatment Capacity:
DTC = Q × Operating Hours
DTC = Daily Treatment Capacity (m³/day)
Q = Flow rate (m³/hr)
3. Design Considerations
Typical Design Values
- Design Filtration Velocity (DFV): 10-15 m/hr for PSF, 8-12 m/hr for ACF
- Backwash Velocity: 30-45 m/hr for PSF, 25-35 m/hr for ACF
- Air Scour Velocity: 50-60 m/hr
- Operating Hours: Usually 16-24 hrs/day
- Service Flow Rate: Should not exceed maximum recommended by media manufacturer
Safety Factors
- Vessel Height:
- Add 40-50% to media height for expansion during backwash
- Additional 20% freeboard for water distribution
- Pressure Rating:
- Design pressure: typically 3-6 bar
- Test pressure: 1.5 × design pressure
Important Notes
- Media Specifications:
- Use proper gradation for even flow distribution
- Ensure media meets AWWA standards
- Consider local water quality for media selection
- Maintenance Requirements:
- Regular backwashing schedule based on pressure drop
- Media replacement every 3-5 years for PSF
- GAC replacement based on breakthrough (typically 1-3 years)
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