

Routine for Linear Interpolation between Values in a Table

Calculation Preview

29 Jan 2008
File Size: 19.00Kb
Downloads: 830
File Version: 1.0
File Author: Alex Tomanovich
File Rating (4/12)

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Comments: 1
atomanovich 17 years ago
Any work by Alex Tomanovich is worth downloading but you might want to also take a look at [XlXtrFun™ Extra Functions for Microsoft Excel](/404/). This is a very powerful addin - Three Dimensional Interpolate and Extrapolate Functions; Two Dimensional Interpolate, Extrapolate, Cubic Spline, Polynomial Curve Fitting, Line Intersections, Minima, Maxima, First Derivative, Second Derivative, and other functions. - I could not live without it.
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