Curve Fitting

This file allows you to fit a curve to a maximum of 100 sets of data.
The fiites curves are : Linear, Quadratic1, Quadratic 2, Exponential, Logarithmic, Power and Hyperbolic.
All the fittings are execyted simultaneously without having to reenter the sets of data. The best curve is visually indicated.
Calculation Reference
Curve Fitting
Coordinate Maths
Mathematics of Curves
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Comments: 3

11 years ago
Thank you for your interest. You are right in the sense that the curve fittings in my file seem to be equivalent to the ones already available in Excel. However, the advantage is that all the fittings are done simultaneously and the best curve is visually indicated via an hand. Also, it includes the hyperbolic curve fitting, which is not available in Excel. In addition, the file is bilingual and formatted for printing and where the only writing required is the entering of the data and the subject of the curve fitting.
11 years ago
Thanks for the upload. Maybe because I don't fully understand the purpose of your calculation could you tell me how your power curves are different to native Excel functions featured [here](/404).