Pump Calculations

Natural frequency of the system should not be within 20% of the operating frequency of machine
The bearing pressure on the soil should be within 50% of the allowable value used for building foundation
The weight of the foundation need to atleast 3.0 times the weight of machine to minimize vibration
The minimum reinforcement In each direction: 0.18%
Horsepower >=500, The foundation shall be designed for the expected dynamic forces as per the code
Horsepower <500 & total weight < 30 kN, The foundation shall be designed for static checks only
Minimum thickness of concrete foundation = Greater of((width/5, Length/10, 2ft) & (L/30+0.60m))
Minimum width of footing = 1.0 to 1.5 times the vertical distance from base of footing to machine centerline
Minimum size of rebar shall be 13mm
Maximum allaowable eccentricity in both direction in plan shall be 5% of width or length respectively
High tuned foundation = Operating frequency of machine is below natural frequency of system (SBC = 50% of Allowable)
Low tuned foundation = Operating frequency of machine is above natural frequency of system (SBC = 75% of Allowable)
If Rotor Wt of machine > 1/100( Weight of machine + foundation ) detail dynamic analysis should be performed
If Dynamic force of machine > 1/1000( Weight of machine + foundation ) detail dynamic analysis should be performed
Calculation Reference
Pump Design
Machine Design
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