Helical Spring Design Guide.xls



Outline Calculation Procedure

  1. Purpose of calculation
    The design of a helical spring using mechanical design formula and material lookup tables.
    Check dimensional limits, strength limits and buckling limits against the operational requirements.

  2. Calculation Reference

  3. Calculation Validation
    Formulas checked using the XLC add-in

  4. Calculation Units

  5. Sketch

  6. Main Input Parameters
    Wire diameter
    Spring mean diameter
    Free length
    Number of turns
    % length on installation and operational max compression

  7. Spring Ends
    Number of inactive turns due to closed and ground ends
    Effective number of turns
    Length modifier
    Inactive Length
    Active Length
    Pitch (unloaded).
    Solid Length

  8. Material Properties
    Material Constant
    Material index
    Ultimate Tensile Stress
    Torsional yield to tensile ultimate strength factor
    Torsional yield stress
    Conversion Factor from Mpa to selected system of units
    Torsional yield stress converted to select system of units
    Young's Modulus
    Modulus of rigidity assuming a Poisson's ratio of 0.3

  9. Spring Deflection Characteristics
    Spring Index
    Spring Rate
    Force to close the spring

  10. Spring Strength Characteristics

    Wahl factor
    Torsional Stress Rate
    Force to yield spring
    Spring extension to yield spring

  11. Spring Buckling

    Buckling critical compression length
    Buckling force

  12. Operational Limits
    Installed Length
    Installed force
    Operating Length
    Maximum working load

    Calculation Reference
    Machine Design

Elements of Mechanical Design

Design of Springs

Calculation Preview

25 Nov 2011
File Size: 569.00 Kb
Downloads: 172
File Version: 1.0
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