

Calculation Description:
"BOLTGRP" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of bolt groups usingeither the ultimate strength method (also known as "instantaneous center of rotation" method) or the "elastic" (vector) method ("Alternate Method 1" in AISC Manual). There is also a worksheet for bolt stress analysis, and a separate worksheet that contains data tables for bolts.

This program is a workbook consisting of thirteen (13) worksheets, described as follows:

    <li>Doc - Documentation sheet</li>  
    <li>Table XI - Bolt group instantaneous center analysis for one row of bolts</li>   
    <li>Table XII - Bolt group instantaneous center analysis for two rows spaced at 3"</li>     
    <li>Table XIII - Bolt group instantaneous center analysis for two rows spaced at 5-1/2"</li>    
    <li>Table XIV - Bolt group instantaneous center analysis for two rows spaced at 8"</li>     
    <li>Table XV - Bolt group instantaneous center analysis for three rows spaced at 3"</li>    
    <li>Table XVI - Bolt group instantaneous center analysis for three rows spaced at 6"</li>   
    <li>Table XVII - Bolt group instantaneous center analysis for four rows spaced at 3"</li>   
    <li>Table XVIII - Bolt group instantaneous center analysis for four rows spaced at 4"</li>  
    <li>Bolt Group (&lt;=25) - Bolt group elastic analysis for up to 25 total bolts and 4 load points</li>  
    <li>Bolt Group (&lt;=75) - Bolt group elastic analysis for up to 75 total bolts and 8 load points</li>  
    <li>Bolt Stress - Bolt Stress Analysis for H.S. Bolts subject to tension and/or shear</li>  
    <li>Bolt Data - Bolt Data Tables</li> 

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1.The AISC eccentric loads on bolt groups worksheets (Tables XI through XVIII, pages 4-62 through 4-69) are applicable for only in-plane shear loads and torques (moments) on the bolt group.

2.The elastic method worksheets, "Bolt Group(<=25)" and "Bolt Group(<=75)", can be used for all cases of in-plane and out-of-plane loads on the bolt group, or where geometry limitations of the AISC Tables XI through XVIII are ecceeded.The "elastic" method (AISC "Alternate" Method 1) will always give conservative results when compared to using the AISC Tables.

3.The elastic method worksheets, "Bolt Group(<=25)" and "Bolt Group(<=75)", assume a minimum of 2 bolts and a maximum of either 25 or 75 bolts for a bolt group.

4.The elastic method worksheets, "Bolt Group(<=25)" and "Bolt Group(<=75)", assume that all the bolts contribute to the moment of inertia of the group, and the applied loads are linearly distributed among the bolts based on the location of the bolts from the centroidal axes.

5.The elastic method worksheets, "Bolt Group(<=25)" and "Bolt Group(<=75)", assume an orthogonal X-Y-Z coordinate system.All bolts and loads points MUST BE located in the "positive" (1st) quadrant."Negative" bolt or load point location coordinates are NOT permitted."Right-Hand-Rule" sign convention is used for all applied forces and moments at load point locations.

6.In the elastic method worksheets, "Bolt Group(<=25)" and "Bolt Group(<=75)", the bolts and load points can be numbered in any desired order.However, the user should make sure to either clear the contents of all spreadsheet cells that are not used for input or those cell values should be input = 0.All bolts and load points MUST BE input in proper numerical sequence with no "breaks" in the numerical order of input data.

7.The "Bolt Stress" analysis worksheet checks allowable bolt tension and bolt shear against the applied values. High strength bolts from 3/4" up through 1-1/2" diameter are assumed.Effects of fatigue are considered if required.Bolts can be in either single or double shear.AISC 9th Edition Manual (ASD) is used.

8.This program contains numerous “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc.(Note:presence of a “comment box” is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell.Merely move the mouse pointer to the desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)

9.The Bolt Data worksheet contains 2 pages of data tables for bolt allowable tension and shear forces, bolt length determination, bolt hole dimensions, and minimum edge distances.All data is per AISC 9th Edition Manual (ASD).

Calculation Reference
AISC 9th

Strength of Bolted Joints

Structural Steel Designer's Handbook

Calculation Preview

11 Oct 2016
File Size: 987.00 Kb
Downloads: 1318
File Version: 3.0
File Rating (5/31)

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Comments: 11
subhankar123 4 years ago
teckert11 5 years ago
Alex- are you able to update based on LRFD?
rahulmenon 10 years ago
I see a slight problem with this program, Where Ix is getting divisible by Ixy , Lets say your bolt coordinates are 1,1 and 4,4 and just one PZ load of 5 kips, this program gives an error, just to bring it your attention, thats all!
rahulmenon 12 years ago
John, I cannot use Turan's spreadsheet since it is very difficult to automate to cater to my needs, a simple one like Alex's could be easily altered to get the results I am looking for. Thanks!
johndoyle-admin 12 years ago
You could generate a 3D frame between the point of load application and the 3D bolt positions using [Turan Babacan's FEM spreadsheet](/404/). Restraining bolt nodes in the x, y and z directions will produce the bolt loads as reactions.
rahulmenon 12 years ago
Alex, do you have something similar for 3D bolt group? and also where did you get the formula to compute axial stress and shear stresses? Is there a way shear stresses could be reported in components than as a resultant shear? Any help would be appreciated, I am more interested in a 3D bolt group tho.
johndoyle-admin 12 years ago
I have copied the elastic analysis calculations and done a global replace "in." to "mm"; "in-k" to "Nmm"; "kips" to "N" and also "k" to "N". Remember replace only works in the selected range of cells if you want more control. The calculation itself is interdependent of units provided the units are consistent.
atomanovich 13 years ago
I recently updated the "BOLTGRP.xls" workbook, where in the calculation worksheets I added the ability for the user to select high strength bolt diameters of 1/2" and 5/8" sizes. Previous versions of this workbook limited the user to a smallest size bolt of 3/4" diameter. I made this update at the request of some folks who often use bolts smaller than 3/4" diameter in their line of work.
The version of this workbook is now 2.9.
atomanovich 14 years ago
It was brought to my attention in the "Bolt Group)<=25)" worksheet off of the main calculation page to the right there were a couple of text cell reference errors listed in the notes for one vertical row of bolts and 2 vertical rows of bolts.
This workbook is now version 2.8.
atomanovich 16 years ago
In the "BOLTGRP.xls" workbook and in the "Bolt Group(<=25)" worksheet off of the main calculation page on the right, I already had a facility to generate the bolt coordinates for circular bolt groups. Now, I have added similar facilities to automatically generate the bolt coordinates for bolt group patterns with 1, 2, 3 or 4 vertical rows of bolts. All the user needs to do is fill in the minimal input, copy and "Paste-Special" the coordinate values in the input data portion of the worksheet, and then input the appropriate total number of bolts. Instructions for each of the bolt group patterns are given.
atomanovich 17 years ago
Some details on conversion guidance between metric and inch based strength grades is given in section 3.4 of the standard SAE J1199 (Mechanical and Material Requirements for Metric Externally Threaded Steel Fasteners).
Metric fastener strength is denoted by a property class which is equivalent to a strength grade. Briefly:
Class 4.6 is approximately equivalent to SAE J429 Grade 1 and ASTM A307 Grade A
Class 5.8 is approximately equivalent to SAE J429 Grade 2
Class 8.8 is approximately equivalent to SAE J429 Grade 5 and ASTM A449
Class 9.8 is approximately 9% stronger than SAE J429 Grade 5 and ASTM A449
Class 10.9 is approximately equivalent to SAE J429 Grade 8 and ASTM A354 Grade BD
For information there is no direct inch equivalent to the metric 12.9 property class.
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