Pile Capacity



Pile Geotechnical and Structural Capacity Check

1.0 Input

1.1 Design Soil Parameters

1.2 Pile Details

 Existing ground level 

 Pile Diameter, D

 Pile Cut-off level

 Dredge level 

 Scour level 

 Pile Founding level 

 Depth from G.L.corresponding to F.L.

 Pile Embedment length

 Total Pile Length, L 

 Pile Density

 Factor of Safety 

 Pile Fixity condition at top

 Grade of Concrete

 Modulus of subgrade reaction at fixity zone

 Type of soil in fixity zone 

 Unsupported Length of Pile, L1

 Allowable displacement of pile at head

 (For Horizontal capacity)


1.3 Sketch

2.0 Calculation of Vertical Capacity

 Ultimate Capacity of Pile , Qult = Qb + Qs - Wp

 Whetre, Qb = Ultimate End Bearing

 Qsafe = Qult / FOS

 Where, FOS = Factor of Safety


2.1 Calculation of Skin Resistances

2.1.1 Layer-1:

 Layer thickness, L1

 Pile embedment in the layer, h1

 Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs1    = 

 Where, Reduction factor, a 

 Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs1    = 

2.1.2 Layer-2:

 Layer thickness, L2

 Pile embedment in the layer, h1

 Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs2    = 

 Where, Reduction factor, a 

 Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs2    = 

2.1.3 Layer-3:

 Layer thickness, L3

 Pile embedment in the layer, h3

 Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs3    = 

 Where, Reduction factor, a 

 Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs3    = 

2.1.4 Layer-4:

 Layer thickness, L4

 Pile embedment in the layer, h4

 Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs4    = 

 Where, Reduction factor, a 

 Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs4    = 

 Total Ultimate Skin resistance, Qs = Qs1 +Qs2 +Qs3 +….. +Qsn

2.2 Ultimate End Bearing Resistance

 Ultimate End bearing Resistance, Qb = (c Nc + Pd Nq ) * Ap


 Ultimate End bearing Resistance, Qb = (c Nc + Pd Nq ) * Ap

2.3 Self Weight of the Pile, Wp

 Self weight of the Pile , Wp = Ap L gp

 Where, Area of pile, Ap 

 Self weight of the Pile , Wp = Ap L gp


2.4 Ultimate Capacity of the Pile , Qult  = Qb + Qs - Wp

 Where, Ultimate End Bearing, Qb

 Ultimate Capacity of the Pile , Qult  = Qb + Qs - Wp


2.5 Safe Capacity of Pile, Qsafe = Qult / FOS

 Where, Ultimate Capacity of Pile, Qult 

 Safe Capacity of Pile, Qsafe = Qult / FOS


3.0 Tension Capacity of Pile

 Ultimate Tension Capacity of the Pile , Qult(T)  = 2/3 x Qs + Wp

 Where,  Ultimate Skin Resistance, Qs 

 Ultimate Tension Capacity of the Pile , Qult(T)  = 2/3 x Qs + Wp

 Safe Tension Capacity of the Pile , Qsafe(T)  = Qult(T) / FoS

 Where, FoS = Factor of Safety 

 Safe Tension Capacity of the Pile , Qsafe(T)  = Qult(T) / FoS


4.0 Fixity Depth Calculation

 Pile fixity condition at top 

 Type of Soil in fixity zone

 Modulus of subgrade reaction at fixity zone, K

 Elastic modulus of concrete, Ec = 5000 * SQRT(fck)

 Where, fck  = Characteristic strength of concrete 

 Elastic modulus of concrete, Ec = 5000 * SQRT(fck)

 Moment of inertia of Pile, I = 3.14 /64 *D^4

 where, D = Diameter of the pile 

 Moment of inertia of Pile, I = 3.14 /64 *D^4

 Relative Stiffness factor, T = (EI/K)^(1/5)

 Unsupported length of pile, L1

 Ratio of L1/T or L1/R  

 Lf/T or Lf /R = 

 Therefore, Fixity Depth , Lf = 

 Fixity depth, in terms of diameter of pile

5.0 Minimum Pile Length for lateral Capacity

 Minimum Pile Length for flexible pile, Lmin  

 Where, T = Relative stiffness factor

 Let us consider a minimum length of pile , Lmin =


6.0 Horizontal Capacity of the Pile

 Pile fixity condition at top

 The horizontal capacity, H 

 Where,  y = Diaplacement of pile at head 

 The horizontal capacity, H  =


7.0 Summary of Calculations

 Pile Diameter 

 Pile Cut-off level

 Pile Founding Level

 Safe Vertical Capacity

 Safe Tension Capacity

 Pile head Condition

 Grade of Concrete

 Horizontal capacity for a Displacement of

 Minimum Pile length for Lateral Capacity

 Fixity Depth, Lf

Calculation Reference
Pile Capacity

Geotechnic Calculations

Soil Mechanics

Calculation Preview

Sam (wongszy)
06 Feb 2015
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johndoyle-admin 10 years ago
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