


Liquefaction Induced Calculation During Earthquakes 

The purpose of this spreadsheet is to analyse liquefaction induced settlement during earthquakes


Calculation Reference 

'Soil Liqufaction During Earthquakes', EERI Monogram MNO-12, by I.M. Idriss and R.W. Boulanger, 2008.  


Calculation Validation

Appendix A and C: Example of SPT-based liquefaction trigering analysis for a single boring, 'Soil Liqufaction During Earthquakes', EERI Monogram MNO-12, by I.M. Idriss and R.W. Boulanger, 2008.  


Input Parameters: 

Peak Ground Acceleration  = 

Earthquake Magnitude = 

Water Table Depth  = 

Average ? Above Water Table  = 

Average ? Below Water Table  = 

Borehole Diameter = 

Requires Correction for Sampler Liners (YES/NO): 

Rod Lenghts Assumed Equal to the Depth plus 1.5 m (for the above ground extension). 

Calculation Reference

Liquefaction Earthquake

Soil Liqufaction During Earthquakes

Earthquake Engineering

'Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes' is an EERI (Earthquake Engineering Research Institute) Monograph, MNO-12, authored by I.M. Idriss and R.W. Boulanger, published in 2008. The monograph is a comprehensive resource on the topic of soil liquefaction, its occurrence, and its effects on structures during earthquakes. It aims to provide a practical understanding of the phenomenon, the associated risks, and the latest methods for evaluating liquefaction potential.

The monograph is divided into several chapters, covering topics such as:

  1. Introduction: A brief overview of the phenomenon of soil liquefaction and its significance during earthquakes.

  2. Liquefaction mechanism: Explanation of the process of soil liquefaction, including the factors that contribute to its occurrence, such as soil type, groundwater conditions, and seismic loading.

  3. Field performance: A discussion of various case histories illustrating the effects of soil liquefaction on structures, including examples of successful and unsuccessful performance.

  4. Liquefaction potential evaluation: Presentation of the current state of the art methods for assessing the liquefaction potential of soils, including simplified procedures, laboratory testing, and advanced numerical modeling techniques.

  5. Post-liquefaction strength and deformations: Analysis of the residual strength and deformation behavior of liquefied soils and their impact on structures.

  6. Mitigation measures: Overview of various ground improvement techniques and design strategies for mitigating the effects of soil liquefaction on structures.

  7. Performance-based earthquake engineering: Introduction to the performance-based earthquake engineering approach and its application to soil liquefaction problems.

'Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes' serves as a valuable reference for researchers, engineers, and students working in the field of geotechnical earthquake engineering. It provides a thorough understanding of the phenomenon of soil liquefaction and offers practical guidance for evaluating and mitigating its effects on structures during earthquakes.

Calculation Preview

27 Apr 2023
File Size: 259.16 Kb
Downloads: 155
File Version: 1.0
File Author: pablo naranjo
File Rating (4/32)

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Comments: 5
johndoyle-admin 8 years ago
The site offers some [advice on units and unit conversion tools](/support/faqs/trouble-with-units/)
pablonaranjo 11 years ago
The iterative and circular reference has to be done by each user as follows:On Excel 2007On the Formulas tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click the arrow on the Error Checking in-group button, point to Circular References, and then click the first cell listed in the submenu. On Excel 2010Make a circular reference work by changing the number of times Microsoft Excel iterates formulasOn the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Calculation tab.Select the Iteration check box.To set the maximum number of times Microsoft Excel will recalculate, type the number of iterations in the Maximum iterations box. The higher the number of iterations, the more time Excel needs to calculate a worksheet.To set the maximum amount of change you will accept between calculation results, type the amount in the Maximum change box. The smaller the number, the more accurate the result and the more time Excel needs to calculate a worksheet.
NBR1 11 years ago
I'm familiar with this spreadsheet from the Monograph.I would suggest just enabling iterative calculation; in the formulas tab and it will work fine.
johndoyle-admin 11 years ago
pablonaranjo has been in touch saying:
johndoyle-admin 11 years ago
I have awarded a free 3 month XLC Pro subscription by way of thanks. I did notice a circular calculation warning. Does this need correcting?
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