XLC Toolbar

This file can be downloaded by subscribers to our free trial account!
A more up to date version of the program is available called XLC Ribbon. This version of this software may also be downloaded. This is compatible with all versions later than Excel 2007 including both 32 bit versions of Excel and 64 bit versions of Excel.
Description - XLC software enhances MS Excel so that cell formulae can be displayed as mathematical equations and your worksheets read like textbooks.
To install XLC download the zip file and run setup.exe. XLC works with Excel 2000, Excel 2003, Excel 2007 and Excel 2010 (all 32 bit versions). Please note that XLC does not work with 64 bit versions of Excel.
Note: XLC Toolbar version reading a file created in XLC Ribbon version: if a calculation was created in the ribbon version of XLC and is subsequently loaded up by the toolbar version of XLC you will be warned that the document is linked to other data sources. Select "Don't Update" and open the document. You will see some #NAME? errors where XLC functions are used. When you examine the formula you will see something like 'C:Program Files (x86)XLCXLC.xlam'!OVD(...) - Simply use Excels Find and Replace functions to remove "'C:Program Files (x86)XLCXLC.xlam'!" and replace with "".
Calculation Preview
Full download access to any calculation is available to users with a paid or awarded subscription (XLC Pro).
Subscriptions are free to contributors to the site, alternatively they can be purchased.
Click here for information on subscriptions.
Expiration date for XLC Trial users extended to 30th March 2013.
Auto XLC button button switched to off when Excel starts up.
Bug fix:
Equation progress counter fix for equations without equation numbering.
Other changes:
Extension of the expiration date for XLC Trial subscribers.
Correction to 'Email' button.
Change of expiration date for XLC Trial users to 30th April 2012.