XLC Add-In for Excel

This file can be downloaded by subscribers to our free trial account!
Description - XLC software enhances MS Excel so that cell formulae can be displayed as mathematical equations and your worksheets read like textbooks.
To install XLC download and run XLC_Ribbon_setup.exe. XLC works with Windows versions of Excel - 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and Excel365 (both 32 bit and 64 bit versions are supported). It does not work on any Mac, web or reduced versions of Excel. Any installation problems please browse to the installation directory (usually ‘C:Program Files (x86)XLC’) and open XLC.xlam directly. Also check that the XLC Add-In is activated Excel> File> Options> Add-Ins> Manage Excel Add-ins Go button. XLC.xlam must be in 'Trusted Locations' Excel>Options>Trust Center then 'Trust Center Settings ...' and select 'Trusted Locations'.
Users with older versions of Excel can install XLC Toolbar (Excel 2000 & 2003).
XLC Pro Mode & XLC Ed - If you use XLC for commercial purposes you need to pay for a paid XLC subscription. One subscription is required for each XLC user. Choose an XLC paid plan and no restrictions apply to XLC or the ExcelCalcs site whilst your subscription is active. You will be prompted to renew your subscription just before it expires. If you allow your paid XLC subscription to expire XLC continues to work but it reverts to a restricted trial mode (see below). How to configure XLC in the XLC Pro mode.
XLC Trial Mode - The following restrictions apply.
User Comments
'This standalone tool makes generation of equations directly from cell formulae’s in the smartest and fastest way.' Freedownloadscentre Editor's review.
'With this add-in, you can finally turn those cryptic Excel formulas into recognizable mathematical equations.' Vertex42 Five Star Review
'an addin that displays excel formulas symbolically for easy checking and for presentation. Displaying formulas is a real kick!' Eng-Tips Forum Five Star tip.
'I've had a play with it and it's great, it's driven me nuts for years having to do all my equations in equation editor and then update them when things change'. Institute of Mechanical Engineers Forum Administrator
'The best thing about XLC is that equations are a really great check on the cell formula. It's easy to make a mistake with Excel formulas but its easy to see where you have gone wrong when you check against equations.' Debbie_Williams.
'What a great plug-in I have been looking for something like this for years. Highly recommended!' jhardy.
Calculation Preview
Full download access to any calculation is available to users with a paid or awarded subscription (XLC Pro).
Subscriptions are free to contributors to the site, alternatively they can be purchased.
Click here for information on subscriptions.

I tried saving the workbook when set to Automatic, as Excel should remember the last state.
Nothing helped until I disabled XLC addin. After that Excel started behaving normally.
Toggling XLC addins "Auto XLC" does not have any effect.
Any suggestions?
Does XLC addin run any macro on startup?
Does XLC addin change excel template workbook?
XLC 15.03.16 on Excel 2007 @Win 7 64bit.
- Close Excel.Uninstall XLC.Download and install the latest version of XLC.Restart the computer.
- Download XLC.Extract the zip into a folder on your hard drive.Right click on the file
The intention is to make sure that trial users are use the latest version of the software (active XLC Pro subscribers should never see this message).
You can close the message by clicking the top right hand "X" button this will take your browser to www.ExcelCalcs.com but Excel should remain running. Switch back to excel and press the about XLC and settings button . This will raise a form and at the top of the form it will state the expiry date for trial users. The latest version is set to expire on 29th February 2012.
Can you tell me what your system says to you?
I have not got to the bottom of this yet but I have disabled the skype addin and all seems to be working fine again.
 button shown on the left to save as a native Excel file (this removes all XLC functions removed). This will get rid of your #NAME? errors but your equations will become static graphics and will not automatically update.
1) Start Excel. Go to Tools>Add-Ins... This displays the Add-ins form and check that xlc is shown as installed. If OK then proceed.
2)Is the XLC toolbar visible? Check Excel MainMenu>View>Toolbars> and XLC Tools should show with a check mark next to it. If OK then proceed.
2) Check that XLC function are working. Type "=OVD(3)/und(6)" into a cell. If the cell returns 0.5 then XLC functions are working OK. If OK the proceed - if not install XLC.xll manually by following these instructions. From the add-ins form select the browse button and navigate to your XLC installation directory (normally this is C:Program Files>XLC unless you installed it elsewhere). Select the xlc.xll and press 'OK'. This has manually installed xlc.xll
Let me know how you get on.