

"PUMPFDN" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of  analyzing "block-type" foundations for both small and large pump packages.  Specifically, for small pump packages less than 5,000 lbs. in total weight, the foundation is analyzed in a simplistic manner involving only the mass ratio and the vertical mode natural frequency.  For large pump packages equal to or greater than 5,000 lbs. in total weight, a simplified dynamic machine foundation damped vibration analysis is performed for the vertical, horizontal, and rocking modes for the purpose of evaluating foundation performance as related to peak-to-peak vibration amplitudes and peak vibration velocities.  The soil bearing pressure is also checked, for both static and dynamic conditions.

Small Pump - Simple Analysis for Foundations for Small Pumps

Large Pump - Simplified Dynamic Machine Foundation Analysis for Large Pumps

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

  1.  This program is based on the following references:

         a.  "Design of Structures and Foundations for Vibrating Machines"

               by Suresh C. Arya, Michael W. O'Neill, and George Pincus - Gulf Publishing Company (5/1979)

         b.  "Foundation Design for Vibrating Machines"

               by Suresh C. Arya, Roland P.Drewyer, and George Pincus - Hydrocarbon Processing (11/1975)

         c.  "Foundation Design for Reciprocating Compressors"

               by Suresh C. Arya, Roland P.Drewyer, and George Pincus - Hydrocarbon Processing (5/1977)

         d. "Pump Foundation" - Structural Engineering Guideline 000.215.1227

               by Fluor Enterprises (August 12, 2009)

         e. "Vibrating Machinery Foundations on Soil (Using Frequency Independent Criteria)"

              Structural Engineering Guideline 000.215.1233 - by Fluor Enterprises (April 13, 2009)

         f.  "The Grouting Handbook - A Step-by-Step Guide to Heavy Equipment Grouting"

               by Don Harrison (Gulf Publishing Company, 2000)

         g.  International Standards Organization ISO 1940-1 (8/2003)

              "Mechanical Vibration - Balance Quality Requirements for Rotors in a Constant (Rigid) State" 

              Part 1: "Specification and Verification of Balance Tolerances"             

  1.  For the purpose of this workbook, small pump packages are those with a total weight of less than 5,000 lbs., whereas large pump packages are those with a total weight equal to or greater than 5,000 lbs.

  2.  In the "Small Pump" worksheet, only the foundation minimum width, the mass (weight) ratio, the vertical mode natural frequency, and the static soil bearing pressure are checked.

  3.  In the "Large Pump" worksheet, initially the foundation minimum width and the the mass (weight) ratio are checked. Then a simplified dynamic machine foundation analysis for an assumed "block-type" foundation is performed.  This includes frequency ratio checks, as well as a forced vibration analysis for only the vertical, horizontal, and rocking modes of vibration.  (Note: torsional/twisting mode is not considered in this analysis.) Amplitudes and velocities of vibration are determined, and the machine foundation performance can then be manually evaluated by the user from the "General Machinery Vibration Severity Chart which is included. Finally, both the static and dynamic soil bearing pressures are checked.     

  4.  In the "Large Pump" worksheet, the assumed dynamic analysis of a machine foundation supported on soil is made by the commonly accepted approach of idealizing the foundation-soil system as a simple lumped-parameter, mass-spring-dashpot vibrating system.  The "block-type" foundation is assumed to be a rigid body vibrating on the surface of an elastic half-space.  The equivalent soil spring represents the elastic resistance of the soil, while the dashpot represents the damping effect of the soil.

  5.  This program contains “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc.  (Note:  presence of a “comment box” is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell.  Merely move the mouse pointer to the desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)

Calculation Reference

Mechanical Vibration

Design of Structures and Foundations for Vibrating Machines

Foundation Design for Reciprocating Compressors

Calculation Preview

26 Nov 2019
File Size: 3,655.50 Kb
Downloads: 482
File Version: 1.0
File Author: Alex Tomanovich
File Rating (4/85)

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Comments: 7
jwshelby 3 years ago
In the Input Data section for large pumps, I don't see an input value for Wr (rotating weight) which is needed for calculation of the dynamic forces Fov and Foh. It appears that a rotating weight of 350 is built into the formula calculation. Since Wr will vary from one pump to another it seems the input data should include Wr.
atomanovich 5 years ago
In my PUMPFDN.xls spreadsheet workbook, it was pointed out to me that there were a couple of typo errors in comment boxes on page 2 of the “Large Pump” worksheet. While I was at it, I also added a quick calculation off of the main calculation sheet to the right to convert horsepower to torque.
bruce2015 9 years ago
Appreciate your instruction.I downloaded this file again and now it looks normal.
johndoyle-admin 9 years ago
Bruce - I have downloaded the file to check and it appears to be fine to me. May I suggest that you download again and check that the file size is 3.655Mb.
bruce2015 9 years ago
Alex, I cannot open this pump foundation design spreadsheet normally. all formats are gone and all pictures are gone. Did you use any special add-ins for this spreadsheet?
atomanovich 10 years ago
Thanks, and you need not worry about territory encroachment on my part. Vibrations is about all of the mechanical engineering type stuff that I can handle and deal with. (lol)
johndoyle-admin 10 years ago
I'm feeling the pressure now you are encroaching on Mechanical Engineering territory! Well done Alex another great and useful calculation.
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