MoreVision has a particular expertise in the structural design of railway rolling stock and running gear. Being active in railway industries from across the globe we have a good perspective on all the various standards used in different countries and on different vehicle types. MoreVision services are used by rolling stock manufacterers and operators alike heading failure investigations and supporting engineering teams. MoreVision has been invited on a number of occasions to present papers at the Institute of Mechanical Engineers including "Crash Design of Steel Bodyshells for Virgin" and "The Future of Railway Vehicle Design"
Railway Bodyshell Design
MoreVision were involved from the start of the in the concept design and preliminary calculations of the class 22x bodyshells. Later in the project MoreVision were commissioned by Bombardier to undertake an independent design audit of the Virgin Voyager Bodyshells. They were asked to consider the fatigue design aspects of the bolster, in particular dealing with issues arising from the tilting mechanism. Further support to the project was required in the management of subcontractor supporting calculations. In the final stages MoreVision were asked to prepare and present a paper called "Crash Design of Steel Bodyshells for Virgin" which was delivered at a seminar held at the Institute of Mechanical Engineers. |
Having completed the design of the bodyshell ADtranz commissioned MoreVision to undertake the final analysis runs and preparation of all the reports for submission to the client and approval authority. This bodyshell was particular interesting as it was constructed from a fabricated steel chassis and body ends with sidewalls and roof made from wide body aluminium extrusions. The sub-assemblies were bolted together to form the complete bodyshell. Analysis included a static strength assessment, fatigue strength assessment and bolted joint assessment for each of the bodyshell types. |
generic rail vehicle may be sold to a number of different
Each client have their own particular preference for seating
This means that the positions and sizes of doors and windows
between each order. MoreVision have parameterised this
problem so
that once window and door sizes have been defined a program
which automatically generates a finite element model. In this way any
problems regarding resonance, strength of fatigue strength
of the
bodyshell can be understood during the project definition
tendering stage. The program even produces a bill of
materials for
tendering purposes.
Bogies, Trucks and Adapters
MoreVision works very closely with its client partners. Typically models are supplied by the client by email and Morevision are asked to undertake the static and fatigue assessments and prepare the reports for submission to the end client. MoreVision has developed a number of programs to post-process finite element results which help to reduce the cost of fatigue assessments.
Non-Tilting Bogies for Virgin - The bogie is used on the non-tilting Virgin Voyager vehicles. |
Tilting Bogies for Virgin - The bogie is used on the tilting Virgin Voyager vehicles. |
Bolster Adapter for Double-Deck Bodyshell - This is a half model of an adapter for a double-deck bodyshell. The vehicles are for use in France so two fatigue assessments were performed to show that is compliant with UK and French fatigue standards. The methods of assessment are completely different. |
Caracas Bogie - This is a half model of bogie which in in service in Caracas in Venezuela. |
M6 Bogie Adapter - The M6 vehicles are for use in France so two fatigue assessments were performed to show that is compliant with UK and French fatigue standards. The methods of assessment are completely different. |
Bolster Adapter for Tilting Train - Bogies are attached to the bodyshell via adapters. design of the adapter is often just as extensive as the design of the bogie. This particular adapter is further complicated due to the tilting mechanism on the train. |
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